: 随着医疗技术进步,手肘韧带置换手术成为最高效率的治疗方式,投手甚至因韧带重建经
: 过完整的休养和复健,针对小肌肉进行强化,所以球速可能比开刀前更快。
: 推 Thanatosone: 我要表达的是 以前很多人动完韧带重建就掰了 05/11 01:01
: → Thanatosone: TJ发明了这套开法 用置换的方式 就不再那么可怕了 05/11 01:02
不是TJ发明的 是Dr. Frank Jobe发明的
: → Thanatosone: 而且越来越多例子是 术后速度比术前还快 05/11 01:03
: → Thanatosone: 但那都只是被媒体突显的案例 真正掰掉的应该50-50 05/11 01:04
: 推 Valter: 速度提升通常是术后高强度复健菜单所致 05/11 06:35
: 推 mightymouse: 速度提升是跟原本那个快废掉的韧带比,新的韧带再怎 05/11 06:45
: → mightymouse: 么强也不会比原本的(假设是全新门过度使用的)要好 05/11 06:45
这里有很多错误观念 1.开TJ会让成绩更好 2.开TJ会让速度更快
这是大联盟对于Tommy John手术FAQ
8. Does Tommy John surgery improve performance?
No. 35% of parents incorrectly believe that overall pitching performance would
be enhanced following surgery (Ahmad et al.). While there are notable instances
of players improving following surgery, the most optimistic expectation for a
pitcher undergoing Tommy John surgery is that the procedure allows the player
to return to his previous level of performance. In fact, two recent studies
have shown that players returning from Tommy John surgery tend to follow the
typical aging pattern for players without surgery.
9. Does Tommy John surgery improve pitching speed?
No. 53% of college athletes incorrectly believe that pitching speed would
improve following Tommy John surgery (Ahmad et al.). Similar to overall
performance, players do not throw harder after Tommy John surgery than they
did before the procedure. Most doctors have concluded that in cases where
pitchers who have thrown harder post-surgery, it was predominantly due to the
quality of their rehabilitation and improved strength and conditioning.