Re: [闲聊] 包总回应触身球事件

楼主: d93782529 (尧仔)   2015-06-08 21:33:16
※ 引述《shiaubai (小白)》之铭言:
: You know, I have a very good friend that is from Taiwan, obviously he speaks C
: hinese and reads the newspaper.
: He told me that the GM from Lamigo said that I bring the wrong baseball cultur
: e to Taiwan.
: I'm going to respond to that to the people who want to know baseball and the h
: idden rules in it.
: I doubt the GM played baseball so he probably has no clue. He and those who cl
: aim this forgets that the game of baseball was invented in the USA! A situatio
: n in yesterday's game almost caught a disturbance with the players.
: They bunted what a seven run lead late in the game and that pissed off several
: of the Rhino players.
: They claim that out manager called for our pitcher to hit #11. We're more prof
: essional than that to "order" a pitcher to throw at a hitter but the players t
: ook the situation into their own hands because we manage and coach the game th
: e right way!
: Then for their manager run out on the field and start screaming at OUR player
: was as about as unprofessional and weak as you can get! They've done things li
: ke steal a base with a six run lead in the late innings a couple of times to I
: guess try to run up the score and embarrass the players.
: You just don't do that. It's called baseball integrity and that's not playing
: with protecting the game and proper sportsmanship!
: You will NEVER see our players do that because we respect the dam game! To all
: of you young players, coaches and all who strive to make the CPBL one of the
: respected leagues in professional baseball around the world, teach the kids ab
: out playing right!
: For however long I'll be in Taiwan coaching baseball, I will help command that
: our players play the game hard and with respect to the game!
作者: EdisonDeng (名侦探)   2015-06-08 21:34:00
作者: Dawei1165 (愛新覺羅與葉赫那拉相遇)   2015-06-08 21:34:00
作者: kobe00148 (铁蚵)   2015-06-08 21:35:00
作者: sfking (空白)   2015-06-08 21:39:00
不Park一下 等等被发现打击低迷没头路怎么办
作者: furret (大尾立)   2015-06-08 21:39:00
作者: Tzwei ( Good!)   2015-06-08 21:43:00
打击烂成这样 还出来刷存在感也是一绝
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 21:50:00
你说后段棒次就算了 4连星最近低潮 但通算还是不差好吗= =
作者: jamie3160003 (还没想到)   2015-06-08 21:55:00
萧有种上来代打阿 小孬孬
作者: Y1999 (秋雨)   2015-06-08 21:55:00
近七战 四连星平均打击率2成2 不差?而且靠老胡拉高不知道多少平均...
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 21:57:00
就说通算了 还在近期.........
作者: Y1999 (秋雨)   2015-06-08 21:58:00
通算不差 但近期落赛 然后打教刷刷版面火哥OPS+都快跌破100了 真的不差
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 21:58:00
所以我有说错吗? 通算不差阿= =
作者: qazxswptt (...)   2015-06-08 22:01:00
犀牛后段棒次本来就不行 前四棒又熄火的话等于整队劳赛心情也不可能会稳定的 棒球也是一环扣一环的
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 22:01:00
要哭爸大威 也应该是去哭没把后段的拉起来
作者: Y1999 (秋雨)   2015-06-08 22:02:00
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 22:02:00
酸近期低潮的4连星 关联太薄弱了
作者: Tzwei ( Good!)   2015-06-08 22:04:00
四连星低潮成这样 弱棒出局如风 要赢很难
作者: h720414   2015-06-08 22:04:00
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 22:05:00
有阿 二马
作者: Tzwei ( Good!)   2015-06-08 22:05:00
作者: mp3w69   2015-06-08 22:08:00
是心理素质差阿 去牛版看看吧 多少人在酸看不到企图心当家4棒还没打就先发言打预防针 弄到球迷都不想进场了逢争冠必手软 E全:球员也是人 (连守备都可以手软
作者: LoveCheer (太多)   2015-06-08 22:11:00
你的park很美 我真心喜欢
作者: foreigners (笨蛋)   2015-06-08 22:21:00
楼上 红中的内部情资呢?
作者: mlpox465   2015-06-08 22:43:00
作者: newz (newz)   2015-06-08 22:51:00
作者: dandanhanbau (丹丹汉堡)   2015-06-08 22:52:00
四队最差内野和四队最差投手阵容 体质不烂?
作者: birding0530 (兄弟技~围住巴士照个相 )   2015-06-08 23:07:00 丢成这样 还要囉
作者: kixer2005 (可恶想__)   2015-06-08 23:07:00
丹丹汉堡马上示范 newz整个神算啊
作者: bigsun0709 (大太陽)   2015-06-08 23:09:00
老外放屁都是香的好吗 午午光看老外就高潮啦 虽然战绩烂的可以 但一定是球员太鸟 千错万错洋教练没错
楼主: d93782529 (尧仔)   2015-06-09 00:31:00

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