m85037 (志愿)
2015-02-28 09:22:48※ [本文转录自 MLB 看板 #1KyB4qto ]
作者: albertlaw () 看板: MLB
标题: [外电] Juan Pierre Officially Retires
时间: Sat Feb 28 02:02:03 2015
Veteran outfielder Juan Pierre has officially retired, MLB.com’s Clark
Spencer tweets. Pierre did not play in 2014, so it comes as little surprise
that he’s retiring.
The speedy Pierre racked up 614 stolen bases in parts of 14 seasons in the
Majors and rarely struck out, finding ways to annoy opposing pitchers despite
his lack of home-run power. For much of his career, he was also a serious
on-base threat, with six seasons with on-base percentages above .350. He
finishes his career with a .295/.343/.361 line with the Rockies, Marlins,
Cubs, Dodgers, White Sox, and Phillies, earning at least $57MM in the
process, via Baseball Reference.
一代腿哥荒皮宣布退休 生涯.295/.343/.361 2217H 614SB 18HR OPS+84
生涯有四个单季200安的球季 这四个球季竟然有三季OPS+不到100 真奇葩 XD
生涯14年也只有2季OPS+在100以上 打过PHI FLA CHW LAD COL等队
生涯最后一年2013年又回到马林鱼 去年完全没有出赛后今年正式宣告引退
拿过三次盗垒王 五次单季盗垒50次以上(最高68次) 生涯盗垒次数高居MLB史上第18名