Aaron Robinson (前义大犀牛体能教练)
8月12日 10:50 · Minneapolis, MN, United States · 编辑纪录 ·
I would love to come back to Taiwan. I miss being with the team and the
people but It's a shame that the 义大犀牛职棒队 Eda Rhinos 义大职棒事业股份有
限公司球员发展室 can't see a good thing in Dallas Williams Jr. because they
continue to think that they know baseball. This is the 6th manager in 2
years. There is a reason why things keep going bad.
He was the one who could have turned this organization around by changing
the style of play that this league has witnessed since it's existence.
Sad they will lose a good man like that.
He deserved more respect than that but it figures coming from that
Why bring foreign players and coaches more than half way around the world
to treat them like that. In America the Asian players are treated with
respect and value.
Not with 义大犀牛职棒队 EDA Rhinos If you like loosing so much stop
bringing in foreign players and coach your own athletes to be better.
他认为他以及其他获聘的外籍教练 都没有获得该有的尊重以及价值感
在美国职棒 对于亚洲选手们来说 这是不会发生的事情
一个球队在短短两年之内 就更换了高达六位总教练
(包含已逝世的徐总 代理的斗哥和老邦)
只因为高层自认很懂棒球 但这却是让球队越来越糟的做法
阵前易帅 确实是兵家大忌呀
到底牛牛会复制2004的奇蹟 逆势上扬最后拿下冠军
还是就此一蹶不振呢? 值得观察