※ 引述《utcf1049 (未知的未来)》之铭言:
: http://www.mpsilva.com 官方网站
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP_%26_Silva 英文维基介绍
: 官网的介绍
: Leading sports rights distribution worldwide 世界体育转播权分布领导者
: We are a leading international media rights company that owns, manages and
: distributes television media rights.
: With an annual turnover of USD 500 million, the MP & Silva group has
: established an exemplary track record in distributing TV and media rights for
: sports federations, leagues, clubs and rights holders and represents some of
: the most important and world-class sports events.
: Our unparalleled television rights portfolio - providing annually over
: 10,000 hours of programming to over 200 broadcasters in 215
: countries - includes Europe's top leagues in football, FIFA World Cup
: qualifiers, Grand Slam tennis, motor racing, handball, baseball, volleyball,
: boxing and many others including the Asian Games.
: Headquartered in London and Singapore, we operate worldwide through regional
: offices in Beijing, Budapest, Dubai, Dublin, Hanoi, Paris, Miami, Milan,
: Monaco, Munich, New York, Tokyo, Warsaw, Madrid and Jakarta.
: 他们负责的转播权 吓死人了
: 足球:英超 西甲 德甲 2014世界杯足球赛[包含资格赛]
: 网球:法网
: 赛车:F1
: 棒球:国际棒总IBAF的国际赛事
: 篮球:NBA和全明星赛
: 个别球队:阪神虎 英超利物浦 热刺 兵工厂 英格兰 意大利 阿根廷国家足球队
: 他们在亚洲的据点 有河内 北京 东京 杜拜 新加坡
: 虽然说现在转播权要改了
: 但是我觉得 中职能被这家国际知名的公司相中
: 代表着 我们职棒的赛事 已经被肯定了