The secret to Uehara’s splitter is that it’s not just one pitch. He grips
it three different ways to get different kinds of action on it. He’s vague
about the details. His splitter is his secret.
简单的说 上原经过多年的揣摩 现在他指叉球有三式
Uehara started with just one splitter, but he’s tinkered with it to add
subtle variations. The slightly altered grip allows him to throw each kind of
splitter with the same arm action — multiplying its deception
三式的出手点都被他练到一样 (莉莉丝)
“I studied the way I threw it back in Japan,” he said, “so I started from
one, it became two and then three.”
他在日本时只有一式 来美国又研究自己在日本的投球开发出另两式
然后Jake Peavy已经拜他为师要跟他学小叉
去年他投了563颗指叉 其中有156颗打者挥空 16颗被打成安打