BNYMellon (BNYMellon)
2022-06-07 08:05:36来源网址:
Information about the acquisition
On 1 June 2022, National Australia Bank Limited ('NAB') acquired the Citigroup P
ty Ltd (‘Citi’) consumer business in Australia (‘Citi Consumer’ business).
Citi Consumer customers will have already received communication from Citigroup
via email or letter about the transfer.
What does this mean for customers?
From 1 June 2022, NAB will continue to operate the Citi Consumer business largel
on a standalone basis for a transition period.
Integration of the Citi Consumer business into NAB will occur progressively over
the next two to three years. NAB will communicate with Citi Consumer customers
about any changes to products and services as required over this period.
Citi Consumer customers can continue to access and manage their accounts using t
heir existing cards, app and services. They will continue to be supported by Cit
i Consumer teams on Citigroup systems until the integration is complete. The Cit
i brand is being used by NAB temporarily under licence from Citigroup Inc. and r
elated entities.
NAB has also acquired Diners Club Pty Ltd (Diners) as part of the transaction. D
iners customers have products including Diners branded charge cards and Spot. Bu
y Now, Pay Later. Diners customers are remaining customers of Diners and their c
ustomer service channels are not changing.
Citi Consumer products include mortgages, deposit products, investment products,
personal loans and credit cards, including Citi branded and white label branded
Co-branded and white label products include the following brands:
· Coles
· Bank of Queensland & Virgin Money
· Suncorp Bank
· Kogan
· Qantas
· PayPal
· Card Services
· IMB Bank
· Auswide Bank
· MyState
· MyCard
· Emirates (co-brand)
There are no changes to products and services for standard NAB customers. Althou
gh, NAB customers who also hold Citi branded accounts should read the FAQs on th
e Citi website below including about the changes to the application of the Finan
cial Claims Scheme.
的同意,仍然可以暂时维持花旗银行(Citibank)的营运和商标使用,其中转换时间需要2 ~