Lillard (他们的世界)
2022-04-17 00:37:54※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1YMTGkiO ]
作者: mingonly (冥狗) 看板: NBA
标题: [花边] 小李:想留队,但我不反对被交易
时间: Sat Apr 16 04:23:07 2022
Talking with Jabari Young of CNBC, Dame made it clear that he won't say no if th
e team wants to trade him, but he doesn't think that's a likely scenario.
在接受CNBC记者Jabari Young的采访时,小李明确表示,如果球队想要交易他,他不会拒绝
In an interview with CNBC's Jabari Young, Lillard said: "I have no plans of not
being a Portland Trail Blazer. I want to be here, and I think they want me here.
“Everybody is like, ‘He’s going to do this. He’s going to do that,’” Lilla
rd said. “But the game is so watered down, and the game is so fugazi (fake) tha
t people literally won’t believe what you say even if you say it directly to th
外界每个人都在传我要做什么 做什么,传言实在是太夸张,太假了,就算你跟他们解释,
Though Lillard wants to stay with the Blazers, asked if he would accept a trade,
he responded: “If they came to me and they wanted to trade me – I’m not goin
g to fight them on wanting to trade me. I don’t want to be anywhere I’m not wa
nted. But I don’t think that’s the case.”
This isn't Lillard saying he wants to be traded, but clarifying that if the Blaz
ers think they should rebuild and send him away, he will be fine with that decis
ion. However, it remains to be seen if they're actually interested in that idea.
受这个决定。 然而,他们是否真的有这个想法还有待观察。