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作者: willy911006 (小温) 看板: NBA
标题: [情报] Terry Stotts 正式被解雇
时间: Sat Jun 5 10:39:27 2021
After a fourth first-round playoff exit in five seasons, the Portland Trail Bl
azers and coach Terry Stotts mutually agreed to part ways on Friday, sources t
old ESPN.
美国时间周五,阿拓正式和Terry Stotts 正式分道扬镳。
Among candidates expected to be considered for the Blazers opening, sources te
ll ESPN: Clippers assistant Chauncey Billups, Jeff Van Gundy, Nets assistant M
ike D’Antoni, and Michigan’s Juwan Howard.
可能的新总教练候选:Billups,JVG,MDA,和Juwan Howard。
阿那个Hit Me呢?