首次世巡正式结束啦! 对今年1月才首次接触K-pop,并成为Blink的我来说, 很幸运地刚好来得及参与其中,也感叹于某些环境的险恶。 正如Rosé在安可场最后1场的泪崩感言所说: “大家看到的都是舞台上的东西,但我们4人其实还经历了其他许多。” 想想Jennie在菲律宾见面会的身体不适、在澳门场因病被迫提前下台。 想想Jisoo被大家以为是长青春痘,结果竟然是撞到鼻梁,伤口几乎深可见骨。 想想Lisa在KTL倒数直播中被揭露身体不好经常打针。 想想没看BLACKPINK DIARIES都不知道,Rosé的脚踝竟曾经伤到要打石膏。 也难怪Rosé在发表感言时哭成这样了,(照例又是只有秀哥封锁泪腺) 连我一个钢铁直男都硬是被逼出眼泪来了啊! 泪崩感言近全程影片:https://streamable.com/ 4cqd2 (Rosé的,不是我的XD) (手动把.com/跟4cqd2接起来吧) 逐字稿:https://i.imgur.com/XDQi46L.jpg credit: Twitter @SHUU_4CHAENG 影片从黄色标记的we didn't know处开始,红字是我的订正。 BLINKs stay with BLACKPINK! BLINKs stay with BLACKPINK! BLINKs stay with BLACKPINK! =====偷渡Rosé泪崩感言影片分隔线===== @jennierubyjane https://i.imgur.com/7f3h4Qq.jpg IN YOUR AREA tour has finally come to an end !!! Our 3 days of Bangkok encore blew my mind away, it was the best way to finish our tour. Thank you blinks I am overly grateful to have met our blinks around the world. I learned, enjoyed, realised and saw so many beautiful things in the past 6 months, i’ll cherish these memory in deep down my heart forever. I love you guys @sooyaaa__ https://i.imgur.com/mF9Zg6y.jpg https://i.imgur.com/S4cfuU9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/L6sgiaf.jpg #blackpink2019worldtour #inyourarea #blackpinkinbangkokencore This was an unforgettable tour. Thank you for the lovely memories and I love you all so much, Blinks @lalalalisa_m https://i.imgur.com/xKPoZeF.jpg (原配文为泰文) 感谢Blinks这3天来的支持, 非常幸福与自豪能拥有这么一群可爱的粉丝。 希望大家把这次巡回当作一生的回忆, 下次再见吧,约好了! @roses_are_rosie https://i.imgur.com/QnZL4hn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rkoxi0L.jpg And that's a wrap!!! The whole thing! I cannot believe we made it through the whole six months already! and like i said when i ugly cired on stage today, we all went through so many highs and the occasional lows but believe me when i say: i leave this tour with a million memories and a healed heart. I am so blessed to be able to share this with all of you. yall are like my best friend. Having three extra encore concerts in bangkok was just a load of fun and I cannot wait to be back my loves. you guys are so full of spirit it scares me (and how cool is wifi on the plane these days?! this is a whole other level)