YueLan (玖蓝)
2021-02-28 23:08:45不再执著于电影了!只想轻松地聚一聚
聊天 桌游 耍废 都可以
躺着 坐着 趴着 没关系
有饮料零食 没有主题限制
想做什么 当天讨论 自由发挥
直接参加 不须报名 想来就来
活动时间:3/5、3/19 ,19-22
场地清洁费:150 元(入场收费)
Witch’s Room Gathering (former Witch’s Room Cinema)
Not only for the movie! Just want to get together.
Chat, board games, or relax.
Lie or sit as you wish.
Drinks and snacks are served.
No subject restrictions, discuss what you want to play.
Event Time: 3/5、3/19 ,19-22
Venue: Witch’s Room
Event Address: No. 11, Lane 30, Jinzhou Street, Taipei
Event URL: https://wp.me/PaQNOp-5
Venue cleaning fee: NTD150