supi0517 (BDSM同乐会)
2018-04-09 09:30:57https://i.imgur.com/IAr6muW.jpg
【BDSM 同乐会 制服日/Kinki Festival Uniform Day】
活动时间:13:30~17:30 【进场时间】13:30-14:30 逾时不候
活动费用:场地费 500/人
◎符合尊重、安全、 知情、同意 之原则,能独立自律行为。
【4/28 Kinki Festival Uniform Day】
Kinki Festival friendly reminders: The theme of each event is only a guidance
for our event, we welcome every BDSM lovers to join our party! Please don’t b
e restricted by the theme, as long as you are self independent, respectful, an
d consented to following rules, you can play any play you want!
Are you one of those who cannot resist the fascination of uniforms? Do you enj
oy wearing shameful uniforms and feeling the sense of embarassment growing ins
ide you? Or do you rather prefer being played in uniforms?
Now is the time for your dream to come true! What are you waiting for? Please
be dressed in uniforms, bring your favorite props, and come and join our party
→→●Activity Information●←←
Date: 2018/04/28 (Sat.)
Time: 13:30~17:30
(please arrive btw 13:30~14:30)
Fees: 500 NTD/ person
【Discount】300 NTD/person
Pick ONE: wear student uniform, air stewardess uniform, robe for medical perso
nnel, suits (basically any kind of uniform); for people who conform to the abo
ve standards, you may bring a friend to enjoy the discount together (only ONE
friend is allowed).
Location: Ln. 194, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104
(1 min. walk from Nanjing Fuxing MRT station exit 3)
◎only for people over 18【please bring your ID with you (any ID that shows yo
ur birthdate)】
◎who are self independent, respectful, consented to join the party and follow
◎Please read carefully and consent to the list of【precautions】before enteri
ng the venue.
→→→→●Activity details●←←←←
◎BDSM experience and observations
◎meet other BDSM lovers, share experiences or types of props, practice SM
◎It is a BDSM-friendly space, but no props will be provided by the organiser,
please bring your own if you prefer.
→→●Precautions Notices●←←
【To be able to provide a comfortable space for everyone, please observe the f
ollowing rules!】
※ It is a BDSM-friendly space, but no props will be provided by the organiser
, please bring your own if you prefer.
◎In order to maintain a stress-free environment, DO NOT take photos or videos
throughout the entire activity.
◎DO NOT bring food or drinks with you.
◎Please keep your voice down
◎It is a non-smoking venue, smoke on the ground floor if you have to. Please
put your cigarette into the ashtray when you finish smoking. In order not to c
ause any inconvenience for the neighbours and the venue provider, please keep
your voice down when you chat outside the venue.
◎DO NOT bring pets with you
◎If you are interested in other people’s outlook or props, please ask for pe
rmission before touching or using them. Please maintain a friendly and respect
ful attitude.
◎If you feel offended, please directly refuse.
◎If staff members found out any dangerous interactions during the party, they
have the right to intervene and stop further engagements.
◎If there are any illegal activities such as take drugs or assault and batter
y, staff members will request them to leave, and blacklist them from future ac
◎Parties after this activity are private and we do not take responsibility wh
atsoever, please watch out for your own safety.
◎If it is necessary to change date due to weather or venue issues, it will be
posted on the website notice board.
【The organisers are entitled to the right to reject any customer who broke th
e rules to the venue, please follow the rules above】
【If you have any further queries, like our official FB page: @bdsmkinkifesti
val or find us on https://kinkifestival.wordpress.com, message us and we will
answer them as soon as possible. 】