[已满] 全台 Qobuz USA family plan

楼主: MADNUG (1234567654321一下吧)   2021-06-04 01:38:50
Sorry dont't have zhuyin in any of my computers...
1. 团购品名: Qobuz USA family plan
2. 商品网址: https://i.imgur.com/s7RsoSt.png
3. 商品单价: $269.99美金 / 6人
4. 汇率计算: 1 USD:27.925台币 (05/31/2021中华邮政汇率)
5. 团购价格: $1257 台币 / 人
6. 截止日期/欲征数量: 1 spot
★预计收团时间: until spot filled
★预计征求数量: 1 spot
★征求方式 (e.g.推文顺序/站内信顺序): 站内信顺序
7. 主办人连络方式 (站内信/ E-mail/ 通讯软件): 站内信
This will be the 2nd year of the group.
One member decided not to continue, so we have one spot open.
The plan will start on
Please have your email associated with Qobuz account ready,
and I will add you into our family on 06/21/2021.
Please be able to make payment via bank transfer in 3 days.
※ 编辑: MADNUG ( 美国), 06/04/2021 01:58:07
作者: asskeeper (跟屁虫)   2021-06-04 11:11:00

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