[情报] 9/05 星座运势

楼主: xuanyu0326 (yu)   2018-09-04 23:36:06
Thinking ahead can be daunting. There's no such thing as a crystal ball, and s
ometimes when you plan too narrowly, you end up making dangerous assumptions.
To avoid the pitfalls of forecasting your life, don't get too tied up in timef
rames. Just think about what you want in your life and go about getting it. Re
cent bad habits are preventing you from expecting the best of yourself, so add
more discipline to your life and say 'no' more often. Perfection isn't the go
作者: zMidTwo5566 (z中二王)   2018-09-04 23:58:00
我头推糟糕我被不合的主管折磨了一年 你豪勇敢
楼主: xuanyu0326 (yu)   2018-09-05 02:28:00
作者: childpower (勇敢呼吸-做自己)   2018-09-05 08:27:00
作者: R9811061 (陈小天)   2018-09-05 12:19:00
作者: viva5410 (e-Lin)   2018-09-05 13:06:00
作者: sherry027 (平凡)   2018-09-05 14:06:00
作者: seasonal2005 (屋顶上的人)   2018-09-05 17:52:00
让我们刚强壮胆 加油加油
作者: shock0905   2018-09-05 21:06:00
预计这两个礼拜提 十月底走人

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