A fog of drama has settled on your life today, and whether or not your actions
are the cause is irrelevant. The problem is that this haziness could be makin
g trivial issues look like real problems, and making real problems look like s
imple things that will just work themselves out. Flip your perspective around
today, and make your seemingly trivial tasks your first priority. You'll soon
see that they were the ones you needed to deal with after all.
Peace reigns in the home today. Members of your household could communicate wi
th each other almost telepathically, Aries. You might find it strange, but it
shouldn't be surprising. After all, they've been living together for a while!
It's good for peace in the home. They can sense and avoid whatever irritates s
omeone else. That should give you some welcome breathing space.
Talk about cutting things fine Aries. It is clear to see that you have been pu
shed and pulled in so many directions that you're not sure where you're going
lately. You will though, once you see who's turning up today for inspiration.