The energy around you today is powerful, so take it seriously! Keep in mind th
at everything will be magnified 10 times at least ... tiptoeing around the hou
se could cause walls to crumble, and a firm handshake could sprain a wrist. Yo
u can't even imagine what could happen if you smile at someone a little too lo
ng! The bottom line is that you carry extra weight today and can make a lot ha
ppen with little effort. Make the most of it
作者: Icestorm (小朋友) 2018-06-27 23:05:00
lc324 (無奈)
2018-06-27 23:15:00总会有会让你臣服的人,即使你知道但是就是无法去正视这个现实只是和后面那句没有太大的关联性
作者: wisdom1 (female tycoon) 2018-06-28 00:27:00
作者: k825324 (阿金) 2018-06-28 01:16:00
作者: wisdom1 (female tycoon) 2018-06-28 02:49:00