You've been trying to organize a get-together or some type of outing for a whi
le now, haven't you? Well, there's no way it could have happened any sooner, s
o you can stop beating yourself up about it, and don't be mad at anyone else i
nvolved, either. There's really nothing you can do about it now, anyway. The u
niverse has decided to stall you, and there will be no excuses accepted.
Your courageous strength and desire to take a leadership role may be threateni
ng to others today, Aries. Be careful of automatically assuming the dominant p
osition before learning what other people feel about the situation. You could
make some drastic mistakes if you don't watch out for the well-being of others
. Things could get quite emotional, so beware of potential flare-ups.
The secret of getting ahead Aries, is simply getting started. You’re worried
about what other people will think of you, but those who matter will only be c
heering you on.