A subtle touch, an intense gaze, intonations, the pitch of the voice and body
language - these are all wordless ways to communicate. When we hear someone
speak, all of these things also come into the equation to help us determine
the actual messages we are hearing. Someone has been telling you something,
Aries, but what they say and how they say it - does not align. You may not
believe what you are hearing. However, that does not mean that it isn't true.
You are a keen interpreter, but there may be something you don't know yet
about the one who is speaking. Give it some time before you react.
一个巧妙的碰触,一个强烈的眼神,腔调与音调,还有身体语言 - 这些都是不用语言文
- 并不相符。你可能不相信所听见的,但这也不代表你所听见的就不是真的。