PayYungG (Lead with your heart)
2015-02-12 17:54:35A call from a romantic partner could lead to an intimate get-together, Aries.
It's likely to be highly gratifying emotionally and bring you closer
together. Passionate poetry and sexy novels could especially appeal to you
right now. If you're into writing, you could channel your rush of sensuality
into producing results that are so well thought out that they surprise even
you. Get started!
这可让你乐开怀了并且让你更进一步。 一些情感丰富的诗或带有性情的小说
在此时都特别吸引你。 如果你打算写作,可以将这些情感转化为文字,其结果
可能让你惊讶。 赶快着手吧!