[情报] 12/6 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: sujaya (云 悦)   2014-12-05 22:57:59
Saturday Dec 6
You may be looking forward to starting a new project at home - one that will
make things more comfortable and welcoming. This could be anything from
painting walls to putting down new flooring to rearranging the furniture. You
will probably start out with great enthusiasm, and you will build momentum
Once you get toward the end of your project, though, you may lose interest or
start to slow down due to other distractions. Just remind yourself how nice it
will be when you complete your mission, and keep going. The rewards will be
作者: sun0328 (晴)   2014-12-05 23:07:00
go go go
作者: sheiswe (no matter)   2014-12-06 01:35:00
作者: fang29 (芳小蝶)   2014-12-06 02:14:00
作者: solitary7146 (夜秋语)   2014-12-06 07:25:00
作者: Goodwhite (好白大叔)   2014-12-06 15:42:00
作者: petestar (酥酥麻麻。小派皮)   2014-12-06 22:28:00
好准QQ上周开始就陆陆续续贴壁贴ing 但都没被家人称赞:(

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