[情报] 6/16 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: md9tbagel (猪油馒头)   2014-06-15 22:58:58
Aries horoscope for Jun, 16, 2014
You may have set a precedent that
has caused you to feel responsible for a certain person or situation
- even though it isn't truly your responsibility.
But now that it has become a pattern of obligation in your mind,
you may not know how to get out of it,
or even if you should get out of it.
That's very noble of you, Aries,
but you can't carry the world around on your shoulders.
You have your own life to manage.
It's wonderful to help out where and when you can,
but you need to ease it back out to a reasonable level
- a level that leaves you the time and resources you need for your life.
Draw a line.
作者: kc13 (KC)   2014-06-15 23:01:00
作者: saikl (开醺的生活)   2014-06-15 23:04:00
作者: gc9v (今晚,我们喝杯分手酒吧)   2014-06-15 23:11:00
谢谢M大!! ︿_︿
作者: ownnina (小娜)   2014-06-15 23:14:00
推友情超有价值!!! 被唬弄都会超桑心
作者: Goodwhite (好白大叔)   2014-06-15 23:15:00
那大叔帮男友吃醋好了 XDDDDD
作者: fang29 (芳小蝶)   2014-06-16 00:10:00
作者: keykey3310 (拉格修)   2014-06-16 00:51:00
作者: sky80420 (泽西哥)   2014-06-16 02:54:00
作者: cloudsky0330 (古sky)   2014-06-16 05:49:00
作者: aria168 (aria)   2014-06-16 05:50:00
作者: qi3qi3 ( 少,但是更好)   2014-06-16 09:27:00
默默吃在心里+1应该算准喔~本来说自己有空会找出国行程~后来又加了一句:请大家有空也看看 XDD

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