pipigod (HS)
2022-06-10 22:14:34强大的潮流可以让毫无防备的泳客措手不及,将其拖入外海。要摆脱这种激流最好的方法
A riptide can catch an unsuspecting swimmer by surprise, dragging him out to
sea. The way to escape this kind of powerful current is to swim perpendicular
to it, going parallel to shore in either direction, rather than swimming
against it. Sometimes, Aquarius, the best approach to an overwhelming problem
is to address it in an indirect manner, instead of trying to tackle it head
on. Charging in with a plan of attack might cause you to go under. Remember
that today if you're feeling panicked about a problem you're facing. Try a
"sideways" approach to it.
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