z5411 (bonus)
2020-09-14 10:13:29If you are working intensely on a project that requires extreme focus ,it may
be starting to exhaust you mentally . Although your intellectual prowess is se
cond to none , even you can become overwhelmed now and again , dear Aquarius .
Don’t push yourself to the point of breaking , or you won’t be able to do y
our best work .
If you find yourself tipping in that direction , take some time today to do so
mething mindless and purely for fun . It will regenerate you .
如果你正在忙于一个需要极度专注的项目,那么它可能会开始使你精神上精疲力尽。 亲
爱的水瓶座,尽管你的渊博知识是首屈一指的,但就连是你 ,也可能会一次又一次变得不
知所措。 不要将自己逼到悬崖边,否则你将无法发挥你的最佳状态。如果你发现自己正
朝那个方向倾斜,今天就花点时间做些无脑的事情,就只是纯粹为了有趣。 这将会使你