[情报] 20191206 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: ntbi (口屋~)   2019-12-06 09:32:39
Someone in your life may seem to be on a mission to prove that you are wrong abo
ut something. Naturally, Aquarius, you may feel compelled to defend yourself and
to prove yourself right. But why? You are doing what you believe to be right, a
nd in time that will be demonstrated. Although your way may be different from so
meone else's, it isn't the wrong way. Don't worry about scrambling to justify yo
ur vision for this matter. Just do what needs to be done, and the proof will be
in the pudding!
作者: shinypan48 (shinypan)   2019-12-06 15:06:00
完全切中 工作三年 自认没有愧对工作 最近黑掉了
作者: d135799   2019-12-06 22:34:00
oK,on my wAy~

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