[情报] 2019/08/23 The Daily Horoscope

楼主: ntbi (口屋~)   2019-08-23 09:13:20
There may be something that is causing an uproar in your life right now. Even
though you probably aren't a party to this, Aquarius, it is impacting you neve
rtheless. Someone may be trying to draw you into the eye of the hurricane here
, and you may be inclined to go there in the belief that you can be the voice
of reason and straighten things out. But if you do, the drama may become even
more intense. If you avoid this, your absence and your silence will speak loud
er than any words you can say.
作者: annieeeeeeee (贝斯特)   2019-08-23 11:56:00

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