ntbi (口屋~)
2019-06-04 09:33:40If you were to fast forward an old video, you could see an entire movie in a m
atter of a minute or two. And although you might see everything from the openi
ng credits to the final scene, you wouldn't really know what the film was abou
t because it blurred by so quickly. Someone may be trying to convey something
to you in a similar fashion now, dear Aquarius. They are doing this in an effo
rt to get you to understand the whole story of something. But the condensed ve
rsion probably won't help. Go back to the beginning and ask a lot of questions
if you really want to understand.
如果您要快速浏览旧影片,您可以在一两分钟内看到整部电影。 虽然你可能会看到从开
糊了。 亲爱的水瓶座,现在有人可能会以类似的方式向你传达一些东西。 他们这样做是
为了让您了解某些事情的全部故事。 但浓缩版可能无济于事。 如果你真的想要理解的话