ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-15 09:35:53You may truly believe that you can put off a big project until right before th
e deadline. You may think this, perhaps, because it is something that is very
familiar to you, and you know what you are doing. But you may be mistaken, Aqu
arius. If you wait until the last minute, you won't have time to seek out guid
ance or any kind of assistance if you need it, and you could fail to deliver w
hat is now due. Get started as soon as possible to avoid a problem. In this ca
se, it will most likely be better to be safe than sorry.
你可能真的相信你可以延迟一个大项目到截止日期之前。 或许你可能会觉得它是你非常
熟悉的东西,而且你知道你在做什么。 但你可能弄错了,水瓶座。 如果你等到最后一刻
,你将没有时间寻求需要的指导或任何形式的帮助,你可能无法交付到期的任务。 请尽
快开始避免出现问题。 在这种情况下,安稳完成可能是比道歉还要好的选择。