[情报] 6/26星座运势

楼主: cleverme (cleverme)   2016-06-25 16:59:44
Even though all continues to go well for you, Aquarius, your mood may go up an
d down today. In spite of all the great things in your life, you might find yo
urself feeling a little blue sometime during the day. Don't read too much into
it. It's probably just the result of low biorhythms. Try to distract yourself
with work. This evening get out with some friends and have a good time.
You need water in order to germinate and grow seeds, and you also need love in
order for relationships to blossom and develop. The current celestial energy
encourages you to share your deeper feelings with someone special, so that the
bond you have nurtured will turn into something truly wonderful. It is so eas
y to forget to do this, but so necessary.
You are in a fantastic position to make your next major career move. Keep in m
ind that at this time, your interpersonal relationships with others are a key
part of your success. Don't lose sight of this as being one of your major stro
ng points.
作者: LampKeita (IVY)   2016-06-25 17:25:00
作者: compaqmax   2016-06-25 19:58:00
作者: snoopy8562 (ㄌㄐ)   2016-06-25 20:12:00
作者: may28520 (喜德)   2016-06-25 21:59:00
依旧沮丧 只想用工作填满
作者: xuqo5 (ooooooh 飞天少女猪)   2016-06-26 02:46:00
作者: xaviera211 (Reina)   2016-06-26 13:49:00
推推推 会有好结果!!

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