Breast, right, 10 o'clock position/3 cm from nipple, core needle biopsy, ductal carcinoma in situ with invasions (invasive carcinomas and mucinous carcinoma)The specimen submitted consists of five tissue fragments measuring up to 1.7 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, they are gray and cordlike. All for section.Histologic type of right breast (10'/3) tumor: Mixed invasive carcinomas and mucinous carcinoma, some foci Histologic grade: Grade 1 (provisional in biopsy specimen) Tubule and
gland formation: < 10% (score: 3) Nuclear pleomorphism: Moderate (score: 1) Mitotic count: < 7/10 HPF (score: 1) Total score: 5 Histologic feature: Extensive spreading of ductal carcinoma in situ with some foci of invasions presenting infiltrative nests, strands and cords set in the sclerotic and desmoplastic stroma; presence of mucinous carcinoma Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): Present Microcalcifications: Present in DCIS Peritumoral lymphovascular invasion: Not present in this small biopsy Perineural
invasion: Not present in this small biopsy Immunohistochemical stains (for invasions): p63: Loss of myoepithelial rimming Estrogen receptor (ER): < 1% Progesterone receptor (PR): < 1% HER2/neu protein: Positive, score 3+ Ki67 proliferation index: 5%
作者: fafagood (柯基大神) 2024-08-26 00:48:00