nickypp (Nicky)
2024-06-08 10:48:1137岁,
用翻译看似乎不太妙,可否帮我看看,谢谢大家 。
Mammography of Both Breasts: Findings: I. _1_: Reason for examination ( 1. Scr
eening / 2. Diagnostic ) II. _2_: Comparison [ 1. Unavailable / 2. Available (
2022.3.9/BIRADS) ] III. _1_: Past History of breast surgery [ 1. No / 2. Yes (
Location: )] IV. _c_: Parenchymal pattern: (a. Almost entirely fatty / b. Scat
tered fibroglandular densities / c. Heterogeneously dense / d. Extremely dense
) V. _2c_: Calcifications [ 1. No / 2. Yes ( a. typical benign, b. Intermedia
te, c. Higher probability malignancy ) ] VI. _2_: Mass / Focus ( 1. No / 2. Ye
s ) VII. _2_: Architectural Distortion [ 1. No / 2. Yes ] ** Two foci of group
ed amorphus microcalcifications in the medial upper part of the right breast w
ith focal architectural distortion and enlarged axillary LNs. VIII. _1_: Impla
nt findings ( 1. No implants / 2. Normal implant / 3. Asymmetric implants / 4.
Calcified implants / 5. Distorted implant / 6. Herniated impla-nt / 7. Silico
ne-Laden lymph nodes / 8. Ruptured extracapsular implant / 9. Rupture intracap
sular implant / 10. Free silicone / 11. Capsular contraction ) Summary: - Type
C breast density - Two foci of grouped amorphus microcalcifications in the me
dial upper part of the right breast with focal architectural distortion and en
larged axillary LNs >> Malignant neoplasm is suspected. Conclusion: Category
0 : Incomplete