大家好小弟新手 目前透过Udemy自学 Android
目前在做一个 Counter 的小程式 程式码如下
fun countMe (view: View) {
括号内的(view: View) 的意义是??
不宣告的话app 又会crash
// Get the text view.
val showCountTextView = number
// Get the value of the text view.
val countString = showCountTextView.text.toString()
//Convert value to a number and increment it
var count: Int = Integer.parseInt(countString)
// Display the new value in the text view.
showCountTextView.text = count.toString()
.text 的意思是宣告showCountTextView 是字串吗?
fun reSet (view: View) {
// Get the text view.
val showCountTextView = number
//Convert value to 0
val zeroing = 0
// Display the new value in the text view.
showCountTextView.text = zeroing.toString()
例如让number 这个TextView 直接等于零?