[情报] 台大旅英校友会迎新活动 11/26中午 伦敦
我们荣幸邀请到2011电机系学士、 2013电信工程硕士毕业校友,苏培豪 (Eddy) 博士来
12:00 - 12:15 校友报到
12:15 - 12:30 贵宾致词
12:30 - 13:00 职涯分享-校友经验分享演讲
13:00 - 14:30 用餐与交流
14:30 - 14:45 校友会介绍及未来活动的讨论
14:45 - 16:00 自由交流时间
地点: The Marquis Cornwallis (31 Marchmont St, Greater, London WC1N 1AP)
3 mins walk from Russell Square tube station
15 mins walk from King's Cross station
费用: 会员 £25, 非会员 £30
付款方式:请转帐至银行帐号 (户名: Dr Chin-Kang Shen, Sort code: 30-13-54, 帐
号: 51087160), Reference 请注明英文姓名(可对应报名名单)。
非会员可在以下表格勾选加入会员, 并完整填写会员报名表后, 活动费用£30 即包含今
年度 (2022-2023)会员会费。
英国台湾大学校友会会员报名表: https://forms.gle/qNJ5kGhgCd661omr5
From academia to co-founding a UK startup
苏培豪 (Eddy) 博士, 台湾大学2011电机系学士, 2013电信工程硕士毕业校友, 目前担
任英国知名新创公司,PolyAI 的联合创始人兼工程副总裁。在加入 PolyAI 之前,Eddy
曾在 Meta (Facebook) AI 从事 自然语言处理 (NLP) 研究。他拥有剑桥大学人工智能与
对话系统博士学位,师从 Steve Young 教授。他的研究已经受到了 4000 多次引用,并
在NLP 领域顶尖会议 ACL 2016 上获得了最佳学生论文奖。他还共同创办了 NLP 对话式
AI 研讨会,自 2019 年以来每年吸引 300 多人参加。
PolyAI 是一家位于伦敦的对话式人工智能新创公司,旨在为联络中心打造拟人式的企业
级语音助手。迄今为止,该公司已筹集了总计 7000 万美元的风险投资,并得到了北美/
英国顶级投资者的支持,包括 Georgian、Khosla Ventures、Point72 Venturers、
Amadeus Capital Partners 和 Passion Capital。 PolyAI 被 Gartner 评论为
Conversational AI 2020 中的最优质供应商,并被 CB Insights 选入 2021 年 内AI
100 榜单。 PolyAI 以 50 多种语言构建语音 AI,迄今已为万豪、联邦快递、Greene
King 和 Starling Bank 等各个行业的客户提供了数百万个电话服务。
Personal intro:
Pei-Hao (Eddy) Su is a co-founder and VP of Engineering of PolyAI. Prior to
PolyAI, Eddy worked at Meta (Facebook) AI on NLP research. He holds a PhD in
AI & Dialogue Systems from the University of Cambridge, under the supervision
of Professor Steve Young. His research has attracted 4000+ citations and won
the best student paper award at ACL 2016, the most prestigious NLP
conference. He also co-founded the workshop on NLP for Conversational AI,
which has attracted 300+ attendance every year since 2019.
Company intro:
PolyAI is a London-based conversational AI startup aiming to build superhuman
enterprise-ready voice assistants for contact centres. The company has raised
a total of $70M in venture funding to date and is backed by top North America
/ UK investors including Georgian, Khosla Ventures, Point72 Venturers,
Amadeus Capital Partners, and Passion Capital. PolyAI has previously been
recognised by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Conversational AI 2020, and by CB
Insights in 2021 AI 100 list. PolyAI builds voice AI in 50+ languages and has
served multi-million calls to date for clients in various sectors, including
Marriotts, FedEx, Greene King, and Starling Bank.