今年UCL台湾学生会邀请了7位在药厂、BB投行、管顾、资料分析与建筑的学长姐回来分享求职与工作经历,分为 Biomedicine, Business & Finance, and Architecture 三场讲座,每场讲座结束都有 Q&A时间。
本次活动透过 zoom 举行,不限UCL学生,欢迎有兴趣的外校生们一起共襄盛举!请持续关注UCL台湾学生会的社群页,接下来将会持续释出三大主题讲者们的介绍
1. Biomedicine 4/3(六 sat.)
2. Business & Finance 4/11(日 sun.)
3. Architecture 4/18(日 sun.)
- Dr. Julie Tzu-Wen Wang 王姿文
- Senior Research and Teaching Fellow in Nanomedicine, School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, King’s College London, UK
- Dr. Ming Yang Lee 李名扬
- Medical science liaison, Amgen Inc.
#Business & Finance
- Pin Ting Huang
- Senior Analyst at Expedia Group
- Leslie Li
- Equity Research Analyst at Morgan Stanley
- Joanne Chiueh
- Associate at McKinsey & Co.
- Bernard Po-Fu Yang 杨博辅
- Foster + Partners 建筑设计师
- Jess Lin 林意婕
- DAZA group of companies
Event Poster: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMuGuGZAwYK/?igshid=b907rc8rs658