虽然没上过Prof Volker Pickert 的课,但路上遇到过是个蛮和善的教授。
PhD Studentships in Sustainable Electric Propulsion (SEP)
==Value of award==
100% of tuition fees paid and annual living expenses of £15,285 (full
award). Also significant additional funding to cover research costs and
local, national and international travel (conferences and exchanges) and
placement opportunities with industrial partners are also provided.
==Number of awards==
Minimum of 10.
==Start date and duration==
September 2021 for 4 years.
==Application closing date==
28 February 2021.
==Name of supervisor(s)==
Professor Volker Pickert, CDT Director.
==Eligibility Criteria==
You must have, or expect to achieve, at least a 2:1 Bachelor’s level degree
in Engineering or Science discipline. The award is available to home and
International applicants. Places for international students will be limited
and there are no guarantees of confirmed offers.