修了包含 LAG 跟上方萨拉丁6的问题
1. LAG
2. 积分升降显示
3. 萨拉丁 6 消失
4. 农夫种田机制*
5. 排到不在图库的图
6. 排到黑森林没有已探索/其他图已探索
7. AI 不会拉猪
8. 积分图排序
9. 模组坏掉会无法... 开局还是开游戏?#
改动: 马 现在跟斥侯有一样的速度 视野 而且也吃戳兵等克马加成
#Fixed an issue where broken mods could prevent the title from launching.
*The Department of Agriculture has cited villagers who would attempt to
replant farms well beyond their allotted plots. This should result in less
wandering across the map to seek out unoccupied plots.
*Farmers will now automatically split to nearby farms that are free when they
finish building a new farm.