
楼主: aejoyce (维妈)   2011-04-27 23:02:38
1. AusLSA Conference 2011 in Syndey
Take the opportunity to attend THE LARGEST LAW STUDENT EVENT IN AUSTRALIA !
The Landmark event of ALSA International Event in Australia! Experience the
fabulous city of Sydney and meet 600 delegates from across Australia, New
Zealand, England and neighboring Asia.
‧Date: 8th - 15th July 2011
‧Venue : the Hilton House and Doltone House
‧Registration fee: $ 795(including accommodation); $ 495(not including
‧Key Dates : Deadline for registration submission : April 24th 2011
Notification of acceptance: May 2nd 2011
Submission of Materials to Table Coordinator: May 31st 2011
‧Information: http://www.alsaconference.com.au/
2. China 2011 Guangzhou Study Trip
Organized by the law school of South China University of Technology (“SCUT”
), China with the aims to establish a close network with ALSA and to foster a
positive interaction between the members of ALSA.
‧Date: 18th -24th June 2011
‧Venue: Guangzhou, China
‧Registration fee: 2000RMB
‧Theme: The Revival of Nuclear Power: Analysis from Legal Viewpoint
‧Key Dates : Deadline for registration submission : May 25th 2011
Notification of acceptance: May 30th 2011
Submission of Materials to Table Coordinator: June 10th 2011
3. 2011 ALSA Asian Forum in Japan
We would like you to come to Japan this time and see how people in Japan are
all keeping their head up and moving on to overcome this sadness. We believe
that the success of the Asian Forum 2011 will sure be a big step to the hope
for tomorrow, and it will also be the power for us, the future builders of
the Asian community, to tighten our friendship and relationship for
tomorrow's Asia.
‧Date: 4th –10th August, 2011
‧Venue: Tokyoand Chiba, Japan
‧Theme: Human rights
‧Table Themes: 1.SameSex Marriage -Should it be Allowed or Not?
2.Human rights of immigrants in the host society
~How can we deal with multiculturalsociety? ~
3.Reconsidering the Media of Asian Countries
4.Challenge of Digital Native -the Internet regulation
5.Child poverty
6.Compulsory education
‧Maximum: 12 delegates
‧Registration Fee: ¥48,000
‧Key Dates : Deadline for registration submission : 20th May, 2011
‧Information: The detailed schedule and registration form will be sent by
early April.
ALSA Japanwebsite: http://www.alsa-jp.net/
Twitter: @asianforum2011
Facebook: ALSA Asian Forum 2011 in Japan
Blog: http://blog.livedoor.jp/asianforum2011/
1. AusLSA Conference 2011 in Syndey
题一律为【国际活动报名】澳洲AC 学校 名字
‧deadline: 4/22
2. China 2011 Guangzhou Study Trip
活动报名】广州ST 学校 名字
‧ deadline: 5/20
3. 2011 ALSA Asian Forum in Japan
活动报名】日本AF 学校 名字
‧ deadline: 5/15
逾期不候喔!!! 若有任何问题,欢迎洽询各校国际活动长或与我联络
作者: ck110 (拉甫牛)   2011-05-06 17:31:00

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