mulin (毛绒绒泰迪熊)
2003-09-18 16:09:23※ [本文转录自 ALSA-NTU 看板]
作者: suyutin (~~) 看板: ALSA-NTU
标题: ALSA-Korea新任干部资料
时间: Thu Sep 18 14:34:41 2003
President : Ms. Kim, Yang-sil
(Sophomore, Sungkyunkwan University)
[email protected]
Secretary General : Ms. Song, Hyunju
(Sophomore, Sookmyung Women's University)
[email protected]
Secretary : Ms. Cho, Hyun-kyung
(Sophomore, Sungkyunkwan University)
[email protected]
Head of the Domestic Affairs Committee : Ms. Kim, Soo Hyun
(Sophomore, Sookmyung Women's University)
Head of the International Affairs Committee : Ms. Kim, Yeon Jung(Julie)
(Sophomore, Sookmyung Women's University)
Head of Academic Activities & Research Committee : Mr. Kim, Dong-hyun
(Sophomore, Seoul National University)
Head of Public Relations Committee : Mr. Lee, Hee Ho
(Sophomore, Seoul National University)
Head of Publications Committee : Ms. Cho, Chae-young
(Sophomore, Sookmyung Women's University)
President of Ewha Womans University : Ms. Lee, So-jeong
(Sophomore, Ewha Womans University)
President of Hanyang University : Mr. Choi, Jin-woo
(Junior, Hanyang University)
President of Korea University : Ms. Shin, Soo Yeon
(Freshman, Korea University)
President of Pusan National University : Ms. Park, Mi-suk
(Freshman, Pusan National University)
President of Seoul National University : Mr. Kim, Young-min
(Sophomore, Seoul National University)
President of Sookmyung Women's University : Ms. Min, Ji Hye(Katy)
(Junior, Sookmyung Women's University)
President of Sungkyunkwan University : Mr. Lee, Si Won
(Freshman, Sunkyunkwan University)