leadergo (leadergo)
2011-05-22 22:38:07Recent Rome winner Maria Sharapova seems to be enjoying her tennis more than
ever at the moment, no doubt due to the presence in her entourage of her fianc
é, New Jersey Nets basketball pro Sasha Vujacic. She gave Roland Garros TV
an exclusive video interview (which will appear soon on the site), and the
Russian confirmed the persistent rumour, saying "Yes, we will be getting
married soon".
毫无疑问,这和随行人员、同时也是他未婚夫的纽泽西篮网后卫Sasha Vujacic有关。
沙拉波娃在接受Roland Garros TV独家采访时,亲口证实了关于她婚姻的传言......