根据 EHWiki - Stamina 条目 说明
Stamina Usage
There are two main ways that stamina is used up
It is consumed at the end of every battle round at the rate of 0.03 on Great
status and 0.02 at Normal status.
Random Encounters do not cost stamina
Grindfests cost 1 stamina to enter.
Item Worlds cost all stamina needed to clear them upfront.
Fleeing or being defeated will not consume any stamina for that round.
也就说 Stamina 消耗为 0.02-0.03/Round (当下 Stamina 造成差异
而依据 EHWiki - Battles 条目说明
o. A "turn" refers to a single action taken by the player (attacking, using
spells, using items, etc.).
o. A "round" refers to a fight with monsters that ends once they are defeated
(or the player flees/dies).
o. A "battle series" refers to a set of rounds that last until completed (or
the player flees/dies).
o. e.g. The "First Blood" Arena challenge is a battle series with 5 rounds.
Random Encounters and Ring of Blood challenges consist of only 1 round.
Round 系指战斗完成一层
我在 Stamina 88 时打了 The Arena - A Dance with Dragons
他的 Rounds 为 90,无 Entry Cost
完成后出来 Stamina 为 62
中途有答错一个彩虹小马题 (前面都正确)
根据 EHWiki 计算,剩余 Stamina 应为 88-90*0.02=86.2
虽 EHWiki - RiddleMaster 并未说明答错惩罚的数值
但基于历史经验,通常也只会扣个 1-2 左右
怎么算都离 88-62=26 有段距离