[外絮] 巫师教头不满有关Wall的不实报导

楼主: wilsonkoo (卷毛)   2015-05-09 04:06:06
The Score http://goo.gl/BoHD5R
Kimberly John 2015/5/8
The Washington Wizards head coach was not pleased by a report by the
Washington Post's Michael Lee that injured point guard John Wall "clashed"
with Wizards medical staff over their initial diagnosis of his broken hand
and wrist as a "really bad sprain."
华盛顿巫师总教练不满<<华盛顿邮报>>的Michael Lee报导受伤控球后卫John Wall与巫师
医疗团队起冲突, 因为他们将Wall骨折的手及手腕在最初诊断成"非常严重的扭伤".
"What was reported today by Michael Lee was a flat-out lie," Wittman
"That is unfair to this kid (Wall)," Wittman explained. "That is so far from
the truth (that) I've got to say something. Your inside source obviously
isn't on the inside."
Wittman声明, "今天Michael Lee所做的报导是个不折不扣的谎言."
"这对这孩子(Wall)来说不公平," Wittman解释. "这跟事实相差甚远, 而我必须要说些话.

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